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Birthday Celebration Tournament

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Birthday Celebration Tournament Empty Birthday Celebration Tournament

Post by Magda Olsson Sun Jul 28, 2024 11:00 pm

I had everything in place for the annual festivities but not only that, I had mixed in the birthday celebrations to be included in it. I awaited for Gustav and Mary to arrive before it could begin.
Magda Olsson
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Birthday Celebration Tournament Empty Re: Birthday Celebration Tournament

Post by Mary Tudor Mon Jul 29, 2024 6:57 am

Finally we have reached the port of Sweden just in time for the annual festival.  I looked at Gustav and smiled.  I gently kiss his face.

We are finally home my love.  Your mother will be very excited to see us after such a long time away. We have thankfully arrived at the right time so that our child will be born here just as we wanted. I hope that Agnetha and Rebecca has arrived.  I hope to hear news about a possible betrothal of Princess Rebecca and King Marius. Oh I apologize I speak to soon about this but would you approve of their marriage? They seem to care for each other dearly.  I guess we have time to discuss this later.  You were right about the beauty of Sweden this time of year.
Mary Tudor
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Post by Agnetha Svensson Tue Jul 30, 2024 1:19 pm

I hope that Gustav and Mary will be home soon. This will be a great celebration. The tournament and Gustav's birthday and really I cannot wait to see his face. Mother has done a beautiful job with the decorations for the festival. Father would have been very proud of Gustav. He is not only a good king but a good brother. A good man. That is what Father would have wanted.
Agnetha Svensson
Agnetha Svensson

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Post by Rebecca Svensson Tue Jul 30, 2024 1:37 pm

The palace is filled with people moving along getting things ready for Gustav and Mary.

Mother everything is fine. It looks wonderful and Gustav will enjoy the tournament. The gifts we brought I believe that he will love. I cannot wait to see Mary. She is a good person and sister. She looks at Gustav with such love and I know that Gustav has never been happier. She will make a grand queen.
Rebecca Svensson
Rebecca Svensson

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Birthday Celebration Tournament Empty Re: Birthday Celebration Tournament

Post by Gustav Svensson Fri Aug 02, 2024 10:46 pm

I smiled at Mary as we had finally arrived home after a long journey. I greeted some of the servants in Swedish and had them send word ahead to mother that I was coming. I turned to look at Mary.

"I am very pleased that we have finally made it home Mary, it has been quite some time and yes mother will be delighted to see me. I must speak with her too about what has been happening whilst we have been away.

As you know Mary, we have the festivities coming up and the tournament too, but please try not to do too much as you are with child Mary. It is what we wanted that our child will be born here. It is really odd that we are now married a couple of months and we have been away so much, that you have not even seen your Queen's chambers properly or your servants and ladies, you must meet them. I hope that you do not mind, but mother and I agreed that it would be beneficial for you to have a Swedish tutor come and see you each evening too.

Mary, with regards to the match between King Marius and myself, I will think on the matter and give my final decision after the festivities have passed for I need to get back to things here first. We can discuss it later. Now let us get back to the palace and be home at last.
I say holding her hand close to mine.
Gustav Svensson
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Birthday Celebration Tournament Empty Re: Birthday Celebration Tournament

Post by Magda Olsson Fri Aug 02, 2024 10:52 pm

I smiled at both of my daughters as they were finally here.

"Agnetha and Rebecca, I am so glad that you are both home and now we must be ready as I have just received word that Gustav and Mary are on their way here. The gifts are wonderful and we shall present them to Gustav at his birthday.

Can you both please help Mary with the traditions of Sweden and what is expected of her. I spoke with Gustav and we have hired a tutor for her to learn our language too. It would be nice for Mary to compete in the tournament but she needs to be careful as she is carrying a child. Rebecca, that necklace you wear, where did you get it?
Magda Olsson
Magda Olsson

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Birthday Celebration Tournament Empty Re: Birthday Celebration Tournament

Post by Agnetha Svensson Sun Aug 04, 2024 1:58 pm

I looked at my mother and giggled.

Mother,  you need not worry so much.  She will be fine.  I am certain that as a princess of England and a queen of France she has some knowledge of the duties of being a queen.  I understand that she has to learn our ways but she will take to our customs just fine.  Please do not worry.  You know that you can get sick with worry about this.  Mary will represent as a true queen of Sweden and even if she has a misstep I believe that it will just fine.
Agnetha Svensson
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Post by Rebecca Svensson Sun Aug 04, 2024 2:23 pm

Agnetha is right Mother.  She has shown us that she is a queen.  Showing grace and kindness as a royal should.  I am proud to call her Queen and a sister.  Representing our country beautifully as a queen should.  She is very proud to be called a queen of Sweden.  We will help her in any way we can but I really do not think that she would disgrace our country with her actions.  Oh the necklace is it not beautiful it is a gift from King Marius of Romania.  I was surprised that he gave me such a gift. He said that he wanted to give me this to remember him. Mother, I truly care for him and I believe that he shares my feelings. But we know that Gustav has the final decision.  It will saddened me if he does not approve but I will respect his decision.  I wonder if Mary has thought about a gift for Gustav.
Rebecca Svensson
Rebecca Svensson

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Birthday Celebration Tournament Empty Re: Birthday Celebration Tournament

Post by Magda Olsson Mon Aug 05, 2024 10:56 pm

I listened carefully to Agnetha then I realised that she was right.

"Agnetha, you are so right, I completely keep forgetting that Mary was once Queen of France so of course she knows how to be a Queen and will be quick with the customs no doubt here. I do not want to worry myself with these things, I trust both of you and that all will be well in the end.

Rebecca, that is a very precious gift that you have received from King Marius he must indeed care for you deeply to present you with such a gift. Gustav will give you his verdict, but I am pretty certain he will approve the match Rebecca. He wants you to be happy after all.
Magda Olsson
Magda Olsson

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Birthday Celebration Tournament Empty Re: Birthday Celebration Tournament

Post by Mary Tudor Tue Aug 06, 2024 5:40 am

Finally Gustav and I have reached the shores of Sweden. I am excited to start my life as a Swedish monarch. I hope that I will be able to rule along Gustav. I cannot wait to see Agnetha and Rebecca.
Mary Tudor
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Birthday Celebration Tournament Empty Re: Birthday Celebration Tournament

Post by Magda Olsson Tue Aug 06, 2024 10:39 pm

I had heard that Mary and Gustav had finally arrived back. I wanted all to go smoothly for the joint festivities and birthday celebration, however I did have one question that I wished to ask Mary about and I had summoned her upon her arrival to come and see me urgently. It concerned Gustav's birthday.
Magda Olsson
Magda Olsson

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Birthday Celebration Tournament Empty Re: Birthday Celebration Tournament

Post by Rebecca Svensson Wed Aug 07, 2024 10:39 pm

Yes, Gustav does want me to be happy and I am glad that he is my brother. Agnetha the violin is beautiful. I think that he will love it. But I believe that he would love any gift we give him because we give it out of love. I wonder if Mary will give him a gift. Perhaps being with child is a gift all on it's own.
Rebecca Svensson
Rebecca Svensson

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Birthday Celebration Tournament Empty Re: Birthday Celebration Tournament

Post by Mary Tudor Wed Aug 07, 2024 11:41 pm

I am happy that we are in Sweden.  I know that Gustav's birthday is approaching.  I think that for a gift I can play the piano and sing for him.  He does not know that I can play and sing.  I think that he would like it.  His mother and sisters will enjoy it as well.

That is true I have not seen the Queen's chambers.   Did you or your mother choose the chambermaids and the ladies in waiting. Your mother has probably made the rooms ready and I am certain that she has made it quite comfortable.  I promise that I will be careful and not do to much.  You are right it feels strange that we have been together for a short while and most of that time we have been away from home.  But I am happy that we are about to have a child together the first of many.   And I know that you will think about Rebecca and Marius after things get settled.
Mary Tudor
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Post by Mary Tudor Thu Aug 08, 2024 2:31 pm

Finally we can the servants waiting for us to get out of the carriage.  I looked at everyone and I smile.  One by one they curtsey or bow.  I smile and kiss Gustav gently.

Look Gustav we are home.  If you are ready we can go in and greet everyone.
Mary Tudor
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Birthday Celebration Tournament Empty Re: Birthday Celebration Tournament

Post by Agnetha Svensson Fri Aug 09, 2024 1:22 pm

One of servants came in while my mother was speaking. She whispered to me. I smiled.
Mother, Rebecca. Gustav and Mary has arrived. The servants are bringing their things in now. This is wonderful news and just in time. I thought for a moment that they would be late for the festival.
Agnetha Svensson
Agnetha Svensson

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Birthday Celebration Tournament Empty Re: Birthday Celebration Tournament

Post by Rebecca Svensson Sun Aug 11, 2024 1:26 am

Smiling at what my sister has just announced.

Really Agnetha, they are finally here.   Good just in time for the festival.  I wonder will Mary participate in the games?   Maybe she can be in single competition.  Is she good at any of the games we play?
Rebecca Svensson
Rebecca Svensson

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Birthday Celebration Tournament Empty Re: Birthday Celebration Tournament

Post by Gustav Svensson Sun Aug 11, 2024 10:23 pm

I was so relieved to finally be home. Our carriage arrived outside the Castle and huge cheers came from the people of Sweden as I excited. It had been too long.

"Yes Mary, let us now go and meet everyone.
Gustav Svensson
Gustav Svensson

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Birthday Celebration Tournament Empty Re: Birthday Celebration Tournament

Post by Mary Tudor Wed Aug 14, 2024 5:28 am

I took Gustav's hand in mine and I nodded to the servants that were outside.  We started up the stairs.  I am happy to be here.  This is truly the start of a new life.  I am a little scared.  It is not from becoming a Swedish monarch. After all I have been a queen before. I am scared because I want to make Gustav happy and proud to be called his wife and Queen . Now I will soon be a mother of a future king or queen.. Suddenly I could hear Rebecca coming closer.  I see her beautiful smile as she greeted us.
Mary Tudor
Mary Tudor

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Birthday Celebration Tournament Empty Re: Birthday Celebration Tournament

Post by Magda Olsson Wed Aug 14, 2024 10:55 pm

I had heard of the arrival of Gustav and Mary and I sent my maid down at once to inform Queen Mary that I wished to speak with her. I was worried about something too.
Magda Olsson
Magda Olsson

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Birthday Celebration Tournament Empty Re: Birthday Celebration Tournament

Post by Mary Tudor Wed Aug 14, 2024 11:32 pm

Rebecca hugs me and smile.

Rebecca you are glowing. Your necklace is beautiful. Is this a gift from Marius. It is beautiful. How are you feeling?

A maid came and whispered in my ear. Your Majesty I was sent to let you know that Queen Magda wishes to see you. I looked at her and smiled. Thank you.

I kiss Gustav on his cheek. Gustav would you mind I would like to go to my room. I will like to look in on Queen Magda and then go to lay down for a bit. Alright?
Mary Tudor
Mary Tudor

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Birthday Celebration Tournament Empty Re: Birthday Celebration Tournament

Post by Gustav Svensson Thu Aug 15, 2024 10:51 pm

I kissed Mary back and then nodded my head to her.

"Of course it is okay Mary. I am going to do the same and go and have a lie down for it has been quite a journey and it is late. Tomorrow we can start things fresh again. I will see you then Mary.
Gustav Svensson
Gustav Svensson

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Birthday Celebration Tournament Empty Re: Birthday Celebration Tournament

Post by Mary Tudor Fri Aug 16, 2024 3:59 am

That is a good idea. I am tired. It was a long voyage but I am happy that I am with you. I will see you in the morning. I love you.
Mary Tudor
Mary Tudor

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Birthday Celebration Tournament Empty Re: Birthday Celebration Tournament

Post by Gustav Svensson Sun Aug 18, 2024 9:59 pm

"I love you too Mary. I hope that you sleep well in the Queen's chambers as they are now yours.
Gustav Svensson
Gustav Svensson

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Birthday Celebration Tournament Empty Re: Birthday Celebration Tournament

Post by Mary Tudor Mon Aug 19, 2024 5:40 am

I gently hug and kiss him.

Good night my love. I hope that you will sleep well. I will see you in the morning. I will go to see Queen Magda and then I will go to my chambers. I enjoyed our time in Romania and Russia but I am happy that we are home. Our child shall come soon.
Mary Tudor
Mary Tudor

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Birthday Celebration Tournament Empty Re: Birthday Celebration Tournament

Post by Gustav Svensson Wed Aug 21, 2024 11:01 pm

I smiled back at Mary.

"We have had a lovely time abroad and now I am glad to be back home. You will have to give me your thoughts on the Queens chambers in the morning and rest well Mary.
Gustav Svensson
Gustav Svensson

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