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Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday

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Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday Empty Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday

Post by King Francis I Tue Jul 23, 2024 6:50 am

I had organised a great masquerade ball for the Queen's birthday and I was so pleased that Duchess Katherine had been able to make it here. I had sent out the invitations and all were arriving. I was hoping that I would see Katherine here very soon.
King Francis I
King Francis I

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Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday Empty Re: Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday

Post by Cassandra Pennyfeather Tue Jul 23, 2024 6:56 am

I had arrived in France for this masquerade ball which I knew would be a perfect disguise for my eye patch. I had come in search of Katherine Elizabeth after she had humiliated me and I was going to make her pay. I had arrived at the ball wearing a lemon coloured gown and with it, I wore my mask.

Invitations had to be shown at the entrance and I myself had come under a false name. I had taken the place of a noblewoman whom I had captured in order to get in and close to Katherine. I would use my stashed away knife to slit her throat. I walked into the ball room where there were many people, but I was yet to see Katherine.
Cassandra Pennyfeather
Cassandra Pennyfeather

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Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday Empty Re: Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday

Post by Katherine Elizabeth Tudor Tue Jul 23, 2024 11:59 pm

I have arrived to see the elaborate trappings that hung around every thing.  I had not seen anything like it.  I see that the hall was filled with nobles from all of France.  I go towards where the King and Queen sat.  I a royal blue gown beaded with jewels.  Gloves and shoes to match.  The necklace that was given to me from my father adorned my neck.  I stood before the King and Queen. Curtsey.

Your Majesties.  Queen Claude happy celebration of your birth. You look quite beautiful.  King Francis good day to you. Everything looks wonderful your Majesty.   I want to thank you Queen Claude for your kindness and assistance. Living in France is amazing.  There are so many people here to celebrate with you.  Pardon me I would like to look around and perhaps get something to eat.  Permission to leave your Majesties.
Katherine Elizabeth Tudor
Katherine Elizabeth Tudor

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Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday Empty Re: Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday

Post by King Francis I Thu Jul 25, 2024 11:17 pm

I smiled at Grand Duchess Katherine as she had arrived and curtsied before us.

"Grand Duchess, I am so pleased to see you here. The gown looks fantastic, it was made by Claude's tailor you know and I see that you have adorned the gloves and shoes too. I hope that you will enjoy the ball and you do have permission to leave us.
King Francis I
King Francis I

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Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday Empty Re: Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday

Post by Katherine Elizabeth Tudor Sat Jul 27, 2024 3:00 pm

I smile at both King Francis and Queen Claude.

I am happy to be here.  May I say Queen Claude you look very beautiful tonight and King Francis you are looking quite handsome.  The gown that was made is stunning.  I must thank your tailor for his work of art.  Happy celebration your Majesty.

Suddenly I think that I see someone familiar but it cannot be her.  Cassandra Pennyfeather could not have found me.  She could not have know of my location.
Katherine Elizabeth Tudor
Katherine Elizabeth Tudor

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Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday Empty Re: Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday

Post by Cassandra Pennyfeather Sun Jul 28, 2024 11:17 pm

I had been looking around in the hope that I would find Katherine and my patience really had paid off as standing before me I noticed her. I had my knife hidden down my glove and I had my mask, it was good as my eye patch was covered. I had Robert guarding the ship as I knew it would be much easier access to this masquerade for myself alone. I approached where Katherine stood away from everyone and whilst she was at the drinks table, I came up behind her and without anyone seeing, I put my knife to her back and spoke. "Nice to see you again Duchess. Do not try screaming out at all and let us go outside shall we?
Cassandra Pennyfeather
Cassandra Pennyfeather

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Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday Empty Re: Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday

Post by Katherine Elizabeth Tudor Mon Jul 29, 2024 5:23 am

I thought that I would ask King Francis about my mother wanting to come to France to see me.  Just as I was going to go back to where the King and Queen sat.  Suddenly someone came behind me.  I turned to see Cassandra Pennyfeather.

How did you find your way to enter this celebration.  You must have taken an invitation from someone.  Why would I go with you?   Ohh you have a knife in the palace?   In a crowded hall full of people.  Along with the King and Queen of France in attendance.  I will not scream because I do not want to cause a panic but I will show you what I can do.  Signaling to the guard Guards, bind this woman's hands and quietly follow me. I go to the table of the King and Queen.  Curtsey before them.

Speaking only loud enough for the King and Queen could hear  Your Majesties,  I am sorry that I am interrupting your meal but I must speak with you.  This woman that stands before you is Cassandra Pennyfeather.  She stole an invitation from another guest in order for her to take me by knife point outside.  The ship that she came on must be near the port. Guards would you go and search for the ship then take all those onboard the vessel brought to the dungeons.  Then once the King interrogates the prisoners he can then decide their punishment.  If I may your Majesties, this is one of the women who captured me and took me and my mother to Hungary to have us put to death.  I will send a message to her employer saying that she has been apprehended.  With your permission your Majesty, Guard place her and her shipmates in the dungeons until the King pronounce judgement.  Again I am sorry for the interruption your Majesties.[/color]
Katherine Elizabeth Tudor
Katherine Elizabeth Tudor

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Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday Empty Re: Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday

Post by King Francis I Fri Aug 02, 2024 11:12 pm

I was sitting down at the table with Claude and we were enjoying the meal and music when Duchess Katherine came over with a woman who had her hands bound and I was a little puzzled as to what was happening. I looked at the woman as Katherine spoke.

"This ball is only meant for invitation only and I do not recognise you at all. How on earth did you get in here? What do you think you were doing trying to take Duchess Katherine at knife point? You will be taken not to any dungeon but the Bastille, where you will remain with you hands tied and interrogated and even tortured if necessary for information. If her ship is found, then it will be detained at the port and all goods seized. I said looking at her then at Katherine.

"Duchess Katherine, you have my permission to escort her to the Bastille and question her. I will make a judgement in the morning. I must ask you, who is her employer exactly?
King Francis I
King Francis I

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Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday Empty Re: Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday

Post by Cassandra Pennyfeather Fri Aug 02, 2024 11:19 pm

I look at Katherine as she spoke then suddenly I am taken by surprise by the French guards whom bind my hands. I had no choice but to let them as I was outnumbered. I looked at Katherine.

"Clever move, I did not see that one coming. You know it was so easy for me to get an invitation in, the French noblewomen are so stupid and by now she is probably having fun with my crew as my prisoner. I say giving out a chuckle as the guards pull my mask off and lead me over to where the King and Queen sat. The King looked at me and then spoke.

"The invitation was easy to get hold of and besides your guards need to check people better, the knife was so easy. You can try and do whatever you like to me, but I shall never reveal anything and do you really think that I would be that stupid as to dock at your port? No, Robert is already sailing off shore with plan B for if things did go wrong.
Cassandra Pennyfeather
Cassandra Pennyfeather

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Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday Empty Re: Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday

Post by Katherine Elizabeth Tudor Sat Aug 03, 2024 8:33 pm

You really should not talk about people that way.  You could have gotten away.  No one would have missed you.  I am sure that Elizabeth will be happy to know that we have you here.  France is beautiful this time of year.  Oh yes I sent a letter to Queen Charlotte and Marie.  We are all happy to see you, even my mother is happy to see you.  You made a serious mistake coming here.  Trying to kill me.  You thought that it would be easy. That I was alone. Really you should be worrying about what Elizabeth and King James will say or worse do to you.  I heard about what you have done.  The people that you hurt.  Why did you lie to Elizabeth? I thought that you were her friend. You are the cause of Elizabeth's pain.  You had her thinking that her daughter was dead, losing the love of her life and all of the pain that came with it.   Why?  Did you think that she would never find out about what you have done?  But do not worry, you will not be alone.   Robert and your crew are already in the dungeons.
Katherine Elizabeth Tudor
Katherine Elizabeth Tudor

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Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday Empty Re: Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday

Post by Cassandra Pennyfeather Mon Aug 05, 2024 11:18 pm

I gave Katherine my evil stare and she had played a great game but I did not have to answer any of her questions and besides I wanted her to be able to prove that I had done what she accused me of.

"You are really tough now that you have all of your guards here around you protecting you like the coward that you are. Elizabeth, well we were friends yes, but she did always think she was superior to me growing up, she always took the lead. Well now she really has suffered, but anyway you have no proof that I have even done anything and what makes you think that Elizabeth will believe you? I say smiling with confidence as her guards held me and finished handcuffing me.
Cassandra Pennyfeather
Cassandra Pennyfeather

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Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday Empty Re: Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday

Post by Katherine Elizabeth Tudor Tue Aug 06, 2024 12:00 am

I looked at Cassandra and she has this look of defiance on her face.

Well Cassandra I am not sure if I can call what I feel is tough.  Do you really think that I am a coward?  Should I prove to that I am not?   No I  changed my mind I think that I will just watch you.  I do not have to prove anything to you. I know that you are a smart woman so I do not want talk down to you.  I do not have to tell Elizabeth anything but if she truly thinks about it she will realize that you told her those nasty lies. You must love Elizabeth to do that to her. I mean you lied about Queen Charlotte and Queen Marie.  You caused trouble to their relationship.  You lied about Elizabeth's child being tortured and had died by Marie's hand.  King James, well he is very angry that you lied to Elizabeth's father and caused him to demand that James marries Marie. Only someone who is as close to Elizabeth as you were could cut her so deeply as you did.  You do not have to say anything right now.  But we will get the answers from you one way or another
Katherine Elizabeth Tudor
Katherine Elizabeth Tudor

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Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday Empty Re: Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday

Post by Cassandra Pennyfeather Tue Aug 06, 2024 10:23 pm

I looked towards Katherine and smiled at her knowing that she did not really know what she should do. I was talking with her but of course at the same time I was working my masterful tactics in breaking free of the handcuffs slowly.

"You will never get the better of me Katherine and besides I am not sure that you really want to do anything to me either as I know full well that you are a person who does not harm anyone either.
Cassandra Pennyfeather
Cassandra Pennyfeather

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Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday Empty Re: Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday

Post by Katherine Elizabeth Tudor Tue Aug 06, 2024 11:30 pm

Looking at Cassandra.  She thinks that she knows me.

Cassandra,  why do you think that I would not harm anyone?  That is odd.  You just met me and not on good terms at that.  I do know people like you. Someone who would cut a person's throat if you could.  I know that I will not underestimate you either.  But please you should not underestimate anyone.  Look at what you have done to someone you called "friend".  You are a smart woman. You are probably thinking about how to get away. But just know that whatever you may do I will try to be there when you make a mistake. I know many people in many different places and you will never really know who they are. Just keep that in mind.
Katherine Elizabeth Tudor
Katherine Elizabeth Tudor

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Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday Empty Re: Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday

Post by Katherine Elizabeth Tudor Wed Aug 07, 2024 11:06 pm

I was surprised that she thinks that I would not harm someone. Actually she is right. I really am not comfortable with hurting someone but for some people I would make an exception. I will happy to see Mother and Adrian.
Katherine Elizabeth Tudor
Katherine Elizabeth Tudor

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Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday Empty Re: Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday

Post by Cassandra Pennyfeather Sun Aug 11, 2024 11:21 pm

I smirked at Katherine as she was so confident in herself. I continued to talk to her whilst starting to free my hands, but I would wait until we were on the road before freeing myself as there were too many guards at this time. I looked at her directly with my one eye that I had and stared at her.

"Your heart to too kind to even consider hurting anyone, I on the other hand am a pirate and anyone that crosses me pays the ultimate price. If it was not for these cuffs, you would already be on the floor with a slit throat and one less for me to worry about, but rest assured the next time we will see each other after today Katherine, it will be with you with a rope around your neck about to be hung and I shall take great pleasure in pulling down the level to hang you, that is to come after I have you tied to the mast of my ship and whipped. You see, I do not care about hurting people and you would be wise not to anger me further. I have unfinished business with your mother after what she did to my eye. I say smirking at her as the guards began to lead me away.
Cassandra Pennyfeather
Cassandra Pennyfeather

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Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday Empty Re: Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday

Post by Katherine Elizabeth Tudor Mon Aug 12, 2024 8:03 pm

I looked at Cassandra.  Fuming inside.  Is she truly trying to scare me

Thank you Cassandra.  I appreciate the thought. I did not that you cared.  I am a kind hearted person.  That is until I am being threatened.  I believe you when you say that you will have prisoners pay a hefty price.  I will keep my eyes on you.  But as I have said I know many people.  People who care for me.  People of high regard and so many others.  If any of them found out that I was harmed in any way.  Well, you can imagine.  I would rather not think about that.

I turned to King Francis and Queen Claude so that I may speak with them without anyone listening.

Your Majesties, I really do not trust that we can contain her for long.  She is, I am sure, thinking of how to get away.  There are guards all around but she will attempt to escape non the less.  I ask if she can be bound tighter with the rope wrapped around her.  No one can come in or out.  Actually knowing what I know about what she is capable of I would prefer her in chains.  She is a dangerous woman not to be trusted under any circumstances.
Katherine Elizabeth Tudor
Katherine Elizabeth Tudor

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Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday Empty Re: Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday

Post by Queen Claude of France Tue Aug 13, 2024 11:07 pm

I turn to King Francis, "Do you think there is truth in what she just told us? I do not desire scandal of any kind at our Court."
Queen Claude of France
Queen Claude of France

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Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday Empty Re: Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday

Post by Cassandra Pennyfeather Tue Aug 13, 2024 11:17 pm

I looked around as I waited to see what would occur, gradually working my hands free from the cuffs.
Cassandra Pennyfeather
Cassandra Pennyfeather

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Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday Empty Re: Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday

Post by King Francis I Tue Aug 13, 2024 11:21 pm

I looked and listened to what Katherine was saying then I turned to look at Claude as she spoke to me.

"I am not sure myself, but Claude you are right we cannot afford any kind of scandal like this at our court. Katherine, if what you say is true, then Cassandra should be taken to the Bastille and placed and chained to the wall. I will deal with it in the morning. Do you agree Claude?
King Francis I
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Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday Empty Re: Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday

Post by Queen Claude of France Tue Aug 13, 2024 11:25 pm

"Do you think it wise to wait until morning? Should we not deal with this at once. Ultimately it is you that has the final say."
Queen Claude of France
Queen Claude of France

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Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday Empty Re: Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday

Post by King Francis I Tue Aug 13, 2024 11:31 pm

"Claude, you are so right. She should be taken at once to the dungeons and chained to the wall and no visitors are to be permitted. Just for what she has threatened you with Katherine, when you get to the Bastille with the prisoner, be sure to give them this document. It is a document confirming all I just said, but to also lock her face in the iron mask, like the legendary story. She will later be tortured for information. I say handing the document to Katherine.

I then turn to look at Claude.
"Claude, you have not met Katherine properly have you? She is the Duchess whom owns the estate that we granted her. Would you like to meet her properly?
King Francis I
King Francis I

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Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday Empty Re: Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday

Post by Queen Claude of France Tue Aug 13, 2024 11:34 pm

"I thank you for your wise decision regarding Cassandra. Yes I would properly like to be introduced to Katherine at once if it pleases you."
Queen Claude of France
Queen Claude of France

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Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday Empty Re: Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday

Post by Katherine Elizabeth Tudor Wed Aug 14, 2024 2:24 am

Thank you your Grace.  It is a wise decision to tie her in chains and an iron mask.  Well captain shall we go .  First check her hands to make sure that she has not twisted her hands to slide them out.  Well Cassandra let me show you your new accomodations.  Follow me.  I am sorry Queen Claude that I must leave now but may I be permitted to return so that we can meet formally.
Katherine Elizabeth Tudor
Katherine Elizabeth Tudor

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Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday Empty Re: Masquerade Ball for Queen Claude's Birthday

Post by King Francis I Wed Aug 14, 2024 10:42 pm

I looked towards Claude and Katherine.

"When you return Katherine, perhaps we can go to your Chateau and have dinner there with your mother too. Claude and I can visit you.
King Francis I
King Francis I

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