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Magda Olsson's Bedchamber

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Magda Olsson's Bedchamber Empty Magda Olsson's Bedchamber

Post by Magda Olsson Thu Aug 15, 2024 10:53 pm

I had summoned Queen Mary to come and see me and it was quite late, but I did need to speak with her. I had my maid prepare some tea for us both and I waited at the table by the fire for Queen Mary to arrive.
Magda Olsson
Magda Olsson

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Magda Olsson's Bedchamber Empty Re: Magda Olsson's Bedchamber

Post by Mary Tudor Fri Aug 16, 2024 4:08 am

A maid came down to me to tell me that Queen Magda wishes to see me. I followed her to Queen Magda's chambers. I knocked at the door and the chambermaid opened. She took me to where Queen Magda sat. There was a fire ablaze making the room warm.

Good evening your Grace. I was told that you wanted to see me. Is there anything that I can do for you before I go to bed myself. I want to thank you for all of your help. Gustav told me that it was you that decorated the Queen's chambers. How may I help you.
Mary Tudor
Mary Tudor

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Magda Olsson's Bedchamber Empty Re: Magda Olsson's Bedchamber

Post by Magda Olsson Fri Aug 16, 2024 11:12 pm

I smiled at Queen Mary as she entered my chamber and sat down with me by the fire. It was clear how soon she would deliver her child into this world.

"Mary, I am pleased to hear that you like the chamber's I was hoping that you would. There are a few things that I wish to discuss with you. Firstly, I know that soon you will deliver your child for I have been there myself, so please do not try and do too much.
Secondly, I wanted to apologize about criticising you and not knowing our ways. You are a Queen and of course you know how to rule and would not fail anyone, so please forgive me.
Lastly, as I am sure you are aware, the day after tomorrow is Gustav's birthday. Now Rebecca and Agnetha have got him these wonderful instruments, as you probably do not know, he is very fond of music. It bring back happy memories of his father. I wanted to ask, have you anything planned or any gift for him Mary?
Magda Olsson
Magda Olsson

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Magda Olsson's Bedchamber Empty Re: Magda Olsson's Bedchamber

Post by Mary Tudor Sat Aug 17, 2024 6:15 am

I want you to know that I appreciate what you have done for me so thank you so much..  I know that you have a great eye for details.  I have not been formally introduced to the staff but I will.  I promise that I will take care and only what I can in moderation.

You do not have to apologize for anything.  You are looking at what is good for the kingdom.  It is important to know that Sweden will be in good hands as queen.  But yes all is forgiven.  Gustav told me that you and he wishes for me to learn Swedish and that you have a tutor for me.  Thank you for that as well.

Gustav told me that his birthday is approaching yes.   Now that I know that music makes him happy then yes I have a gift to give.  I can play an instrument.  But I want it to be a surprise.  I think that you will like the surprise.
Mary Tudor
Mary Tudor

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Magda Olsson's Bedchamber Empty Re: Magda Olsson's Bedchamber

Post by Magda Olsson Sat Aug 17, 2024 10:09 pm

"I can clearly see now that Sweden will have a perfect Queen. I requested that you learn Swedish as there will be times when you will not be able to use English, as some of the Swedish nobles only speak Swedish.

One thing I have been meaning to ask you Mary, you are now with child, but can I ask, from your marriages to Louis and Charles, did you have children from them?

I shall look forward to the surprise that you have for him, but please promise me that you will be careful as you are with child and please do not do to much.
Magda Olsson
Magda Olsson

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Magda Olsson's Bedchamber Empty Re: Magda Olsson's Bedchamber

Post by Mary Tudor Sat Aug 17, 2024 11:50 pm

Thank you Queen Magda I hope that I will be a good Queen and I will do my best to live up to these standards. And having a tutor is a wonderful idea.  Like you said that it is best that I learn Swedish for speaking with the Swedish nobles.  Gustav will love for me to learn it as well.  

No, I have no children.  I was only married to King Louis and I sired no heirs from that union.  For Charles Brandon,  he is a very good friend to Henry.  I have known Charles since I was young.  I use to watch them jousting and their other sporting activities.  They taught me chess,  horseback riding,  swords play and archery.  I would challenge them to a game and I could beat them some of the times
Charles brought me back to England when Louis died but we never wed.  He is a gentleman of the highest order.  Henry and I have complete trust in Charles.  He has never taken advantage of me nor would he allow me to harmed by others.  It may sound like I have love for him.  Yes I do, as a sister would love her brother.  He looked at me only as a sister.  It was like having two brothers.  The child I carry is, at present, an only child.  But I understand why you had to ask.  

I promise you all that I will not do anything that may put our child in jeopardy.  I appreciate all of your concerns.  I am quite well.
Mary Tudor
Mary Tudor

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Magda Olsson's Bedchamber Empty Re: Magda Olsson's Bedchamber

Post by Magda Olsson Sun Aug 18, 2024 1:16 pm

"It would please Gustav greatly if you could learn Swedish too, especially as when meeting with the nobles, he would not necessarily have to talk with all of them himself.

It certainly does soound like Charles is a good kind hearted man who cares very much for you. Tell me, in England, do they follow the same traditions here when riding their horse that they perch side saddle? You know Gustav's father was an excellent chess player himself and he made Sweden what it is now. He wanted to have another son, but I could bare no more children after Rebecca was born, due to complications with that birth. Gustav was very protected being the only son and heir.

I must tell you this Mary, you do know that if the child you carry, is a girl, then unless the line of succession is changed by Gustav, then your child could not inherit the throne as it has to pass to a male heir, which at this moment in time is some despisable Duke that I am not very fond of, so might I ask that you speak to Gustav about the succession?

Please considering asking the midwife here to help you with the labour. She is very experienced and helped deliver Rebecca and Agnetha too. She is very fond of this family and would love the opportunity. Her name is Frieda, she is amongst your ladies. I must tell you one thing, but I could not in front of Gustav, you must be aware that he does have a Mistress here in Sweden, like most Kings do. I can see how much he loves you, but you must understand that he will see his mistress to, but I have a feeling he will present her to you as he loves you so much. My husband Karl had a mistress whom he saw, but I respected it as he always cared for me.
Magda Olsson
Magda Olsson

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Magda Olsson's Bedchamber Empty Re: Magda Olsson's Bedchamber

Post by Mary Tudor Sun Aug 18, 2024 6:19 pm

I looked at Queen Magda quizzically.  I did not understand why she wanted to tell me this.

Thank you for your suggestion.  I will certainly speak to Lady Frieda about being my midwife.   When I am introduced to the ladies and the household staff I will definitely have a conversation with her about this.  

Gustav and I have spoken briefly about the line of succession.  I want to give him a son but I also want daughters.  Perhaps I should continue the conversation.  

Queen Magda as you may know my brother had many mistresses and I saw the damage it can do.  My father loved my mother and I never thought that he would have a mistress.  I was close to my father and when my mother died he did not have a care to take another wife.   I personally do not believe that all kings have mistresses and I hope that Gustav does not indulge in such practices.  If he were to introduce her to me I would like to know how he feels about this now.  Would he continue with his relationship with her.  I respect Gustav to be honest with him. Help him if I can but most importantly I will love him with all of my heart.
Mary Tudor
Mary Tudor

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Magda Olsson's Bedchamber Empty Re: Magda Olsson's Bedchamber

Post by Magda Olsson Sun Aug 18, 2024 9:54 pm

I smiled at Mary.

"I am sure that you and Lady Frieda will get on just fine. She is kind and caring. I am glad that you and Gustav have spoken briefly about the succession. I personally think it is every ladies right to also rule and succeed.

I have heard about how your brother had many different Mistresses and how he seemed to like them on. Was it true that he had a son with one of them? Mary, I was just seeing what your reactions were around the mistress situation and you will be pleased to know that Gustav does not have any mistresses. The only other ladies present at the court are the noble ladies and the servants. Gustav is dedicated to you Mary.
Magda Olsson
Magda Olsson

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Magda Olsson's Bedchamber Empty Re: Magda Olsson's Bedchamber

Post by Mary Tudor Mon Aug 19, 2024 5:55 am

Henry has a son with a mistress. Her name is Elizabeth Blount her son is named Henry Fitzroy. I am happy to know that Gustav has no mistresses. Will the ladies of the court and the servants be introduced to me in the morning. I am sure that my chief lady-in-waiting will be there now to help me. Well good night your Grace. I hope that you sleep well.
Mary Tudor
Mary Tudor

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Magda Olsson's Bedchamber Empty Re: Magda Olsson's Bedchamber

Post by Magda Olsson Sat Aug 24, 2024 10:33 pm

"The ladies will be with you in the morning and your chief lady in waiting Erica is sorting everything out for your Mary. It is all in good hands. I hope that you sleep well.
Magda Olsson
Magda Olsson

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